Laam - Petit Souer
I am totally loving this track at the moment. I am equally thrown by the way that the opening suggests it's going to be some kind of Francophone Whitney-esque ballad, and then it insteads turns into a Francophone Whitney-esque 80s dance-R&B stormer. Dig those cascading, sashaying swings over the second verse that return in stabbing format in the chorus! Sway your shoulders! Scramble to your French-English dictionary to find out what "souer" means (could someone do this? Babelfish draws a blank)! And love the way the song completely dies at the end, pulling off the hackneyed but sometimes effective slower-more-minimalist-tapering-wavering version of the big chorus with aplomb. I have no idea why the French still can get away with this sort of thing (see also Kayliah's single from earlier in the year) when I can't stand it from the U.S., even given my traditional dégoût for French as a language.[MP3]
(Big thankyou to the lovely anonymous person who has pointed out the title is in fact "Petit Soeur", and who did so without mocking my appalling typing and worse ignorance.)
In fact the title is "petite soeur" it means little sister or kid sister.
It's for all the girls who live in the project to cheer them up, give them courage.
"Little sister I know it's tough, I know you're sad, I was like you.
It's you and me little sister"
Something like it.
Edward, u & I must have the same taste as every time I put something in google your page comes up! Scary! I heard this song in europe and loved it, have listened 2 it a 1000 times since coming home and am slowly converting my friends too! If u can find an english translation I would appreciate if u could u could email it 2 me - thanks!
The basic translation of "Petite Seour" is this:
Little Sister,
I know your sorrow and your pain,
The places which they take in your Heart,
I was the same Little Sister,
Little Sister...
I see you looking out the window,
As if it were Me, as if I were in your head,
Believe me, Small Sister, silence and the cold,
I know by heart, I passed there before You!
(?)I see you waiting until your chance comes, (?)
There I tend in the indifference, hey,
You remake the list of what does not go,
All is not so sad, you say it is already that!
Little Sister,
I know your sorrow and your pain,
Because I had the same one in my Heart,
It is You and Me, Little Sister, You and Me, Little Sister...
Little Sister,
I know as that burns, inside,
I had time to learn from my errors,
It is You and Me, Little Sister, You and Me, Little Sister...
Little, essuie
The tears on your cheek, the life is thus,
Sometimes one take blows,
But you are raised, stronger and prouder,
You cling to your dreams and you passe the borders...
Little Sister,
I know your sorrow and your pain,
Because I had the same one in my Heart,
It is You and Me, Little Sister, You and Me, Little Sister...
Essuie your tears!
To cry! (?)Is used for what? (?)
The life is thus! One day, that will pass,
The sorrows of Love passes those who have Self doubt,
Words, speeches...
All that will be erased!
Little Sister,
I know your sorrow and your pain,
Because I had the same one in my Heart,
It is You and Me, Little Sister, You and Me, Little Sister...
Little Sister,
I know as that burns, inside,
I had time to learn from my errors,
It is You and Me, Little Sister, You and Me, Little Sister...
Little Sister,
I know as that burns, inside,
I had time to learn from my errors,
It is You and Me, Little Sister,
Little Sister...
I'm sorry if the translation has any mistakes. I'm using all of my French knowledge.
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